
At Can Bas we have set ourselves the task of preserving, studying and protecting the cultural heritage in our wine-growing estate. The biggest part of our heritage consists of the landscape, the vines we grow and the wines we make in our winery. Nevertheless, we also feel that the things – both material and immaterial – that have helped to shape the history and personality of the estate are heritage.

At Can Bas we have records of archaeological, ethnological, documentary, cartographic and artistic pieces of enormous value, today preserved in public archives and museums. Two exceptional buildings stand out among our material cultural heritage: the Romanesque church of Sant Joan Salerm and the country house of Can Bas.

At Can Bas, moreover, we care for the intangible, ephemeral and enormously fragile heritage – passed down from generation to generation – that bears witness to the uses, representations, languages, techniques and traditions that have left their imprint on the place and which give it meaning.

At Can Bas we believe that behind heritage lies knowledge. And it is this knowledge that we feel has been entrusted to us that we want to pass on through our wines and the tours of our estate.