The soil

At Can Bas we hold the soil in high esteem. We know that the soil is the raw material of our wine estate, which gives our wines their individual character and makes them unique.

It is in the soil where the vine sends down its roots, sprouts, lives or subsists. It is according to the quality of the soil that the vine gives more or less fruit. It is on the soil where a determined variety of grape will adapt for better or worse. And it is thanks to the soil that the wine acquires part of its personality.

At Can Bas
It is the soil that nourishes the roots of the vine and enables them to grow and thrive. It’s the quality of the soil that determines how much fruit the vineyards will yield. It’s down to the soil whether a specific variety of grape will adapt and flourish or not. And it’s the soil that contributes to creating the personailty of our wines.


At Can Bas we treat the soil as a living being. We care about its mineral content, its colour and texture, the composition of the subsoil, the topography that it has created, the aspect and the relief of each plot. But we also pay great attention to the species of flora and fauna that interact with the soil and benefit the vineyard and its surroundings. It’s this life that sustains our wines.