Time tells us what a wine is like.
Wine tells us how times are.

At Can Bas time is all around us. It is to be found in the ploughed furrow, in the route of the tracks that cross our estate, within the walls of the chapel, in the noble stones of the house or the tiled vats in the old winery. It is also beside the old threshing floors, in the shape of the vines, in place names and in the reflections in the water of an old basin for washing clothes. Time is present in every vat, every barrel and every bottle of wine.  

At Can Bas we imagine time as an invisible substance that weaves life together, tying together permanence and change. And despite being imperceptible, time leaves its marks and this - if we can interpret it properly – becomes a part of history.

  At Can Bas, history is all around and it is history that has forged the unmistakeable personality of this wine-growing estate. Archaeological remains, documents, art and the landscape itself all bear witness to this. They speak of the history of the estate, but also place it within the history of Catalonia and the history of wine and wine-making.